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The Wellness Exchange Network is for anyone whose work involves improving the wellbeing of others. This might be as a carer, support worker, service manager, fundraiser, administrator or therapist. You might be a play group leader, an outreach worker or a policy officer. The Wellness Exchange Network supports people who care.
The Wellness Exchange Network provides easy to access self care support for people whose job is to look after others.
The Wellness Exchange Network connects people in caring roles with holistic therapy students for free treatments. Sign up here.
Take a look at these simple Tea Break Self Care tips, sign up to get the self care newsletter and look out for upcoming wellbeing advice, videos, and interviews.
The Wellness Exchange Network believes self care is essential for our health, yet people who prioritise looking after others often don't get to look after themselves. The Wellness Exchange Network is on a mission to change this!
Get involved!
Are you a tired carer, exhausted support worker, fed up therapist, anxious charity administrator, or maybe a drained fundraiser? If you job is to help others, regardless of where in the organisation you work, the Wellness Exchange Network is for you!
The Wellness Exchange Network connects people who care with people studying wellbeing therapies such as massage, reflexology and reiki so that your tired body and mind can be soothed for absolutely free. Interested? Read more about how to get a treatment and get in touch at hello@wellness-exchange.network. And have you heard of peer support? It’s all about having a safe space to talk to others facing similar stresses. Find out more here.
Calling all students of holisitc therapies! Would you like to offer treatments to people who look after others? Read more about how to give a treatment and be a holistic hero, or get in touch at hello@wellness-exchange.network.
And don't forget to sign up to the Welness Exchange newsletter.
Tea Break Self Care
Quick and easy ways to be kind to yourself
Focusing on our breathing for any length of time can help to manage anxiety and boost wellbeing. Nasal breathing is believed to reduce stress and improve energy flow. One of our favourites is this technique inspired by Olivia H. Miller’s The Yoga Deck:
Sit comfortably, with your back straight and chest open. Breathe out completely, then breathe in through your nose for a count of five, letting the air fill your chest and belly. Hold for a count of 15. Breathe out through your nose for a count of 10. Do this a total of five times.
Stretching is amazing. It helps muscles relax, supports blood flow, and improves mood and wellbeing. Try any of these simple moves next time you get five minutes to yourself:
Shoulder shrugs and neck rotation
Engaging all our senses can be a fast and powerful way to relieve anxiety and regulate our emotions. The 5-4-3-2-1 method helps us to pay attention to the present and works like this:
Name 5 things you can see
Name 4 things you can feel/touch
Name 3 things you can hear
Name 2 things you can smell
Name 1 thing you can taste
PLEASE TAKE CARE and use your judgement when doing these exercises. It is your responsibility to decide if they are suitable for you. If you are unsure, please consult a medical professional. The Wellness Exchange Network cannot be held liable for any consequences. Please click on Term & Conditions below to read the full disclaimer. Thank you.
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